Mary S.
  • Chemical Biology
  • Shillington, PA

Saint Joseph's student, Mary Szurgot inducted into national honor society, Phi Beta Kappa.

2016 Apr 29

Juniors and seniors from Saint Joseph's University were inducted into the national liberal arts and sciences honor society, Phi Beta Kappa (PBK), during the Spring 2016 semester.

Mary Szurgot, a Chemical Biology major from Reading, Pennsylvania (19607), was among those inducted.

"To be elected into PBK is a great honor," says Brian Forster, Ph.D., vice president of Saint Joseph's University's Chapter of PBK. "Less than 10% of students at a university that has a PBK chapter are invited to become members. Students that are selected truly embody the motto of PBK - they have demonstrated their love of learning."

Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) is the oldest and most prestigious undergraduate liberal arts honors organization in the United States.